
v0.5.0 (August 26th, 2009)

This document contains information specific to BSNES. For general information about emulators and the program interface,please see the «About the Shell» document.

What is it?

BSNES is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator.

BSNES has a somewhat different purpose to most emulators; it focuses on accuracyover performance. To that end, it does not include any game specific hacks, or idle-loop skipping optimizations commonly found in other emulators. To add to the fun, it uses a cycle accurate hardwareemulation. The net result of all this is the highest system requirements of any software I’ve released to date; those without a G5 class machine need not apply. If you meet the requirements, however,this is the most accurate SNES emulation available on the Macintosh platform.

BSNES cannot achieve full frame rate on anything less than an Intel machine. This is not considered a bug; PowerPChardware is obsolete at this point!


(This text is copied from the license.txt file included with the PC release).

You are free to redistribute this software, and its source code; providedthere is no charge for the software, nor any charge for the medium used to distribute the software. You are also free to use and modify the source code as you desire for personal use only. Nopublically-released derivative works of this source code are permitted without my permission, though I will likely grant you permission if you ask me. You must also abide by the terms of any additional sourcecode licenses contained within this program.

Richard Bannister has asked for and received my permission to distribute a binary-only port of bsnes on the Mac OS X platform.

Version Historyv0.5.0 – August 26th, 2009

– In sync with the latest version for PC. This version is approximately 10% faster than v0.4.8.

– Removed a number of configuration options from the Preferences…