
1. What your name? R/ My name is Maria Teresa
2. Where do your come from?/ where are you from? R/ I m from Pasto
3. Are you married? R/ No, I am not, I am single
4. What do you do in your freetime? R/ I watch tv, I listen to music, I play in my computer
5. What is your favorite film? R/ My favorite film is scary movie
6. What kind of music do you like? R/ I like to listen rock in Spanish7. Describe your family. Talk about them R/ My family is very big, I live with my father and my mother, Ihave five brothers
8. What sports do you like? R/ I like to look at soccer and I like theswimming
9. What is your religion? Do you believe in god? R/ I am Catholic, I believe in god
10. Do you have any pets? Tell us about it? R/ No, I have not, I don’t like them
11. What is your dreamabout the future? R/ in the future I want to finish my career and being an excellent accountant
12. Describe your perfect teacher? R/ my perfect teacher is a person just and compressive
13. RTA/inventante no sabemos
14. RTA/ my perfect men, he must be small, beautiful, intelligent and athletic
15. RTA/ yes I like so much
16. RTA/ I really hate it when my friends smoking
17. RTA/ te tocodescriber a tu major amiga no sabemos quien es?

Imagine una máquina tan pequeña que puede viajar por el cuerpo utilizando el flujo sanguíneo a modo de autopista reparando daños en las arterias, y loshuesos, el cerebro, incluso destruyendo tumores cancerigenos. Y todo manipulando solamente los átomos y las moléculas del cuerpo humano

Ahora imagine la misma maquina haciendo un millos de cosasmas, como construir un ordenador nuevo, una cadena musical, un coche o una nave espacial. Y luego imagine estas maquinas piloteando dichas naves espaciales hasta la luna, y transformándola hastaconvertirla en habitable para el ser humano.
No obstante, ese sueño cada vez se hace realidad varios proyectos de todo el mundo ya están en unas etapas ya mas avanzadas y muchos investigadores y académicos…