Reconocimiento de ingles





Kate penelope



1. In Online contents you can find many lessons, if you look at them, how many lessons are in thecontents of English II?
a. 14 units

b. 10 units

c. 12 units

d. 15 units

2. In the Virtual Room you can find a link when you can send questions to the tutor. This is thefirst step to find the tutor who belongs to your collaborative group. It is:

a. Participants
b. Messages
c. General Forum
d. Agenda

3. This is a link that gives youinformation about opening and closed dates and the score of activities.
a. Online Contents

b. Forum and room News

c. Agenda

d. General forum

4. What is the program thatyou can record your voice to send the audio to the collaborative work speaking?

b. MP3
c. SV Recorder
d. Ares

5. If you want to know the grades in your academicprocess, you can select

a. Agenda Link
b. Grades Link
c. Participants Link
6. The online contents of English II are divided by:
a. 3 Units 10 lessons

b. 8 units 5 lessons

c. 5units 3 lessons

d. 2 units 15 lessons

7. Where is the link you can see the last news and information related to the course:
a. General forum

b. The collaborative forumspeaking

c. The collaborative forum writing

d. The News forum

8. Where is the place in which you can see the instructions to handle the course?

a. General forum
b. Thecollaborative forum speaking
c. The collaborative forum writing
d. The News forum

9. Where is the link you can recognize your 5 mates of your collaborative group:

a. The generalforum

b. The participant’s link

c. The grades link

d. The collaborative work forum

10. The collaborative work speaking, you have to:

a. Write a letter
b. Listen an…