Pronombres reflexivos

Pronombres Reflexivos

Se usan en la conjugación de los verbos reflexivos para dar énfasis a la expresión, se forman mediante el agregado de self (mismo) al pronombre posesivo singular yselver (mismos) al plural.


Myself (mi mismo)
I looked at myself in the mirror
Me mire en el espejo

Yourself (tú mismo)
Please, tell me about yourself
Por favor, cuéntame sobre tiYou do it yourself
Tú lo hiciste

Himself (él mismo, si mismo)
He washer himself
Él mismo se lava

Herself (ella misma, si misma)
She didn`t hurt herself
Ella no se lastimo

Itself (elmismo, ella misma, ello mismo)
It looked at itself in the mirror
El se miro en el espejo

Ourselves (nosotros mismos)
We enjoyed ourselves at the movies
Nos divertimos en el cine

Yourselves(ustedes mismos)
Help yourselver
Sirvanse, ustedes mismos

You answer the exam yourselves
Ustedes contestaron el examen

Themselves (ellos mismas, ellas mismas)
They think about themselvesSolo piensan en ellos mismos

Underline the corresponding word in Spanish and translate

1. She is carrying her suitcase (myself – yourself – herself – himself)____________________________________________________________

2. My uncle (myself – yourself – herself – himself) cookes his dinner last night


______3. Do you clean the house (myself – yourself – herself – himself)


4. I hurt (myself – yourself – herself – himself) withthe door of the car


5. Are they (himself –themselves – myself – yourself) running in the park____________________________________________________________

6. Yoy are preparing it (myself – yourself – yourselves- themselves)

